Climate protection

We want to be climate-neutral by 2040 (2022 Integrated Report). 

For this we will:

  • Be powering our depots, office buildings and stations in Germany with 100% eco-power from 2025.
  • Plan to increase the share of renewable energies in the DB traction current mix in Germany to 80% by 2030.
  • Have more than halved specific greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. emissions in relation to performance figures such as volume sold) compared to 2006.
  • Operate DB rail transport in Germany entirely with eco-power by 2038 at the latest.

At the beginning of March 2023, together with ENERPARC, we commissioned the solar park in Wasbek, with an output of 41 megawatts peak (MWp). For the first time, we are feeding eco-power directly into the German traction current grid. In future, up to 18,000 t CO₂e can be saved per year compared to when using electricity from fossil energy sources. 

We are also taking an approach that is open to all technologies, including the use of alternative drives and fuels. We are investing in green technologies, such as the scaled use of the biofuel HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil), which is produced from biomass-based residues and waste materials. Depending on the composition of the raw material, around 85% to 90% less greenhouse gas emissions are generated compared to conventional diesel. Since April 2023, for example, the conversion of the gas station at the Munich North marshaling yard to HVO has saved around 9,000 t CO₂e per year.


anticipated development



(Mar forecast)


(Jul forecast)

Share of renewable energies in the DB traction
current mix in Germany (%)





Anticipated development


(Mar forecast)

(Jul forecast)

Specific greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2006 1) (%)




Track kilometers noise-remediated in total as of Dec 31 (km)




Recycling rate (%)




1) Excluding DB Arriva.

The forecasts for the other key Green Transformation figures remain unchanged.