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Environmental measures
- Green construction is a key area of action on the way to a climate-neutral DB by 2040 and complements the various project activities with the challenging Scope 3 emissions, in particular in the construction and maintenance of our infrastructure. Green building is also closely linked to our resource conservation targets. The topic was presented broadly to stakeholders and partners for the first time at a conference on green construction, which took place on February 7, 2023, through the Future of the Railroad Construction Industry (Zukunftsinitiative Bahnbau – ZIB) project. In a joint statement, DB Group, planners, the construction industry and the railway industry within the ZIB declared their joint responsibility for achieving the climate protection targets.
A first successful pilot project from the ZIB is now being rolled out: with the resource-conserving modernization of vaulted bridges, around 50,000 tons of CO₂e can be saved in over 230 suitable projects in the next few years. The preservation of vaulted bridges is an active step toward climate protection because we can dispense with new construction and thus, for example, with an energy- and CO₂-intensive new reinforced concrete frame. The preservation of the building structure contributes to our sustainability targets, especially with regard to climate protection and resource conservation.
- Since 2023, we have refrained from using glyphosate in Germany.