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Noise reduction
Noise reduction target
Further reducing the impacts of rail transport noise on local residents is an essential prerequisite for the further shift in the mode of transport toward rail. This is why we are continuing to work on implementing our 2030/2050 noise reduction target:
- By 2030, as part of the continuation of the noise remediation program of the Federal Government, we will reduce rail transport noise on a total of 3,250 km of existing lines, helping to relieve the burden on around 800,000 people and therefore half of the residents living near noisy rail transport lines.
- By 2050, we will have completely remedied the noise pollution caused by rail transport on the total of around 6,500 km of existing lines, thus helping 1.6 million people in affected areas.
- By the end of May 2023, we put on-site noise remediation measures in place on a total of 2,210 km of track.
Using about € 41 million from the Federal Government’s budgetary funds, about 15 km of noise barriers were built in the first half of 2023 as part of the federal program, and more than 800 apartments were fitted with passive soundproofing measures.