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General framework
Determination procedure for traction current grid access
The determination procedure for the further development of the business processes for access to the traction current grid, which had already been initiated by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur; BNetzA) in 2019, was concluded at the end of June 2022. The determination ensured the transparency and enforceability of the access rules and improved communication deadlines for all market partners (electricity suppliers, train operating companies, vehicle owners and traction current grid operators). DB Energy, the train operating companies, traction unit owners and other traction current suppliers are now working on this basis to implement the new access rules by July 1, 2026. However, the determination has left some crucial implementation issues open. In order to answer these open questions and to support the implementation of the determination on the part of the market partners, the traction current grid operator DB Energy is currently in exchange with train operating companies and associations in order to jointly develop a list of implementation questions and to hand this over to the BNetzA. At the same time, DB Energy has launched a consultation on electronic message formats, which will be completed toward the end of 2024.