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Environmental measures
- CO₂e emissions: In the project “Railmap to climate-neutral track infrastructure,” we investigated and evaluated CO₂e emissions from the construction and maintenance of the infrastructure. The focus is currently on the CO₂e balancing of buildings and construction projects, addressing the eligibility for funding of any additional costs and exchanging information with the basic materials industry and the planning and construction sector.
- Stakeholder dialog: In January 2024, we held the first “Environmental protection in infrastructure projects” symposium for professional exchange and networking with stakeholders. The topics covered were climate protection and adaptation to climate change, nature and species conservation, research and innovation as well as technical environmental protection. The participants included external experts from the fields of science and research, politics, other infrastructure companies and planning offices.
- Mobility hubs: The 50 th Mobility Hub was put into operation in the first half of 2024. For the first time, this saw bollards being used at Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt station to protect the micromobility parking spaces from cars. A solar charging station for micromobility was also installed at Essen West station, which operates independently of the grid using solar panels. More than 20 sharing providers have now signed cooperation agreements regarding station projects. The flexible car-sharing service at Berlin Südkreuz station has been well received by customers.
- Bike+Ride initiative, information center for bicycle parking: The Bike+Ride initiative helps local authorities to create additional parking spaces for bicycles at stations throughout Germany. 20,000 parking spaces have been created since the initiative began in 2019. By the end of the first half of 2024, 227 stations were equipped with Bike+Ride facilities, 32 of which had been equipped with these facilities for the first time in the first half of 2024. Since 2021, we have advised over 110 municipalities on the implementation of bicycle parking garages at stations via the information center for bicycle parking.
- DB Rad+ app: With the DB Rad+ app, cyclists collect cycling kilometers in participating municipalities and can redeem them digitally from partners in the region and at the station in return for discounts and premiums. Since the app was launched in 2020, over 20 million km have already been “cycled” in 21 municipalities across Germany. Two more districts were added in the first half of 2024.
- Heat transition: To achieve DB Group’s climate protection target, we are working intensively on converting all locations that are currently heated with fossil fuels and will still be in operation in 2040. A retrofitting roadmap has been drawn up for all regions for the 2040 building target portfolio, which is currently in place. In addition, a phase-out schedule is currently being drawn up for fossil-fired switch heaters. In 2024, the retrofitting projects will be developed in further planning phases. At four locations, the connection to heating networks and the installation of heat pumps are already being carried out and this work is expected to be completed by the next heating period.