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Digitalization and innovation
- In the Schlei region, NAH.SH has been working with two district authorities since the end of March 2024 to test an integrated everyday mobility service featuring a combination of electric buses, on-demand transport and bike and car-sharing as part of the SMILE24 pilot project, which is financed by Government and Federal state funds. DB Regional is an important project partner in this completely new approach to a scalable model region for integrated everyday mobility. Initial indications show that demand for public transport in the project region has risen by about 50%. The on-demand shuttle, for example, records an average of about 4,000 bookings per week. This enables us to provide about 120,000 people in this region and numerous tourists with reliable, flexible and sustainable mobility, even in rural areas.
- ioki’s on-demand platform recorded 5.5 million users in the first half of 2024, highlighting the demand for networked, customer-oriented mobility. In the first half of 2024, ioki fitted a further 15 services with its software.
- Since May 2024, we have been expanding our digital services and increasing the benefits for our customers by focusing on everyday mobility with DB Navigator. The maps, commuter alarm and route favorites functions are the first features specifically tailored to local transport customers and will be gradually expanded.