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DB Group has already achieved its aim of increasing the share of women in leadership positions in companies subject to the Second Act on Equal Participation of Men and Women in Management Positions (FüPoG II) to a total of 30% at the Supervisory Board, Management Board and first and second management levels. The share of women in leadership positions in the companies concerned is 30.6% across all levels based on the organizational structure valid as of June 30, 2024 (as of December 31, 2023: 29.4%). The new target figure is “40% women in leadership by 2035.” The proportion of female employees at the companies subject to FüPoG II also rose slightly to 24.3% in the first half of 2024 (as of December 31, 2023: 24.2%). In the long term, DB Group is aiming for equal representation.
- For the second time, DB Group received the DE&I Mover award from ACI Consulting. This award honors companies that have made a substantial commitment to change and progress in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Greater awareness. Greater consideration. Greater respect: DB Group attaches great importance to the protection and safety of its employees. Having significantly increased the number of security staff for the European Football Championship, DB Group is now underlining its commitment to raising respect for DB employees with the #mehrAchtung (greater awareness) campaign.
To support DB employees in dealing with sensitive issues such as right-wing populism, an internal company handbook on “Dealing with right-wing populism in the workplace” has been developed. This is based on DB Group regulations such as ethical standards, the Group employer/works council agreement on Equal Treatment and Protection against Discrimination and the Compass for Strong Teamwork.
Furthermore, the newly launched anti-racism toolbox informs affected employees about measures and services and lists all available contact and reporting points within DB Group.
Working with the queer employee network “railbow,” which has been in place since 2011, DB Group is taking part in the nationwide Christopher Street Day demonstrations. DB Group is also sending a visible signal of support for
diversity by flying rainbow flags at many stations.