Notes to the consolidated interim financial statement

Other disclosures

Bond issues and repayments

In the first half of 2024, the following senior bonds were issued by Deutsche Bahn Finance GmbH (DB Finance):

Volume of issue

Term (years)

Coupon (%)


EUR 500 million



Institutional investors, primarily in Europe

NOK 1,325 million (€ 116.7 million)



Institutional investors in Norway

EUR 500 million



Institutional investors, primarily in Europe and Asia

During the same period, a total of six maturing senior bonds of DB Finance for AUD 90 million, CHF 100 million, HKD 350 million, JPY 12,000 million, EUR 300 million and EUR 500 million were repaid.

Number of issued shares

The number of issued shares is unchanged at 430,000,000.

Capital increase DB AG

In the 2024 Federal budget, the Federal Government has earmarked € 4.37 billion in addition to the funds from the Climate Action Program 2030 to increase the equity of Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG) for the purpose of strengthening the rail network. The first tranche of the additional equity in the amount of € 3.02 billion was paid out to DB AG on June 27, 2024. These funds will be used exclusively in the infrastructure and were transferred to DB InfraGO AG to increase equity.

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