Business development

Comparability with the first half of 2023

New business unit DB InfraGO

At the end of December 2023, the merger of DB Netz AG and DB Station&Service AG to form the common good-oriented rail infrastructure company DB InfraGO AG took effect. The name is an abbreviation of “Infrastruktur Gemeinwohl­Orientiert” (infrastructure oriented towards the common good). DB InfraGO AG remains part of DB Group. From the 2024 financial year, the former DB Netze Track and DB Netze Stations business units will be merged into the new DB InfraGO business unit.

Sale of DB Arriva concluded

Following the successful completion of the portfolio reorganization of DB Arriva in 2023, DB AG signed an agreement with I Squared Capital on October 19, 2023 for the sale of all remaining DB Arriva companies. The transaction fulfilled the customary closing conditions and received final approval from the relevant regulatory authorities and was concluded on May 31, 2024.

Since the previous year already, DB Arriva has no longer been included as a business unit/segment in DB Group reporting but reported as a discontinued operation. The figures for the first half of 2023 (with the exception of the consolidated balance sheet) were adjusted accordingly. The continuing operations of DB Group include the remaining six business units and the Other area.

Additional information can be found in the consolidated interim financial statements.

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