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General framework

Train-path prices for 2025 approved

On March 22, 2024, the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetz­agentur; BNetzA) approved the train-path pricing system (TPS) for the 2024/2025 timetable year (TPS 2025). The fee increase in TPS 2025 is on average 6.0%. The increase is necessary to cover the increased personnel and maintenance costs. For the first time, costs for passenger platforms have also been taken into account, as these have been included in the minimum access package since the merger of DB Netz AG and DB Station&Service AG into DB InfraGO AG. By contrast, station prices were reduced by the cost of passenger platforms.

The effective increase in fees in TPS 2025 (nominal increase in brackets) is 0.6% (6.7%) for regional rail passenger transport, for long-distance rail passenger transport 17.7% (19.7%) and for rail freight transport 16.2% (16.2%). The disproportionate burden in long-distance rail passen­­­ger and rail freight transport is due to the legally stipulated capping of the train-path prices in regional rail passenger transport. DB InfraGO AG has appealed against the determination of the dynamic rates in regional rail passenger transport by the BNetzA.

Initial level and upper limit set for overall costs

In its decision of February 28, 2024, the Federal Network Agen­­cy set the final ceiling of total costs for 2025 for DB Infra­GO AG at € 6,761 million and for DB Regional Infrastructure GmbH at € 90 million. As a result of the merger of DB Station&Service AG into DB InfraGO AG, costs for passenger platforms are now included in their total costs.

Arbitration processes for the Rastatt Tunnel

In September 2017, DB Group and the Rastatt Tunnel working group agreed to conduct an evidence-gathering and arbitration process in order to clarify the causes and therefore to establish responsibility. The process was suspended on a provisional basis for settlement negotiations between the parties on the basis of an interim report from the technical arbitration expert on the causes of the accident and a proposal from the legal expert on the allocation of responsibilities. The parties are seeking an overall agreement, which could take at least another year. The further construction and renovation of the damaged area have been disassociated from the arbitration process; with the exception of the production of the east piping, the services of the Rastatt Tunnel working group have now been completed. The Rhine Valley railway was temporarily relocated in spring 2022 in order to be able to renovate the damaged east piping from above via an open excavation pit. The tunnel boring machine is currently being demolished. The completion of the tunnel via cut-and-cover construction by the Rastatt Tunnel working group is planned for late summer 2025. The first settlements were concluded with the train operating companies affected by the line closure as a result of the accident (in consultation with the Rastatt Tunnel working group and its insurance companies).

Approval procedure for station fees for 2025

The Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur; BNetzA) is currently reviewing the approval of the requested station fees for DB InfraGO AG in 2025. The Federal agency has exercised its extension option to consider the approval application and has extended the term of the procedure until assumption of approval to September 30, 2024.

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