Development of business units

Fleet development

In the first half of 2024, we continued to implement comprehensive measures to improve our vehicle fleet:

  • These included the redesign of the interior, the installation of passenger information and video recording systems, WiFi and new paintwork. A total of 119 vehicles were converted and modernized, mainly in the S-Bahn (metro) Berlin, Elbe-Spree and S-Bahn (metro) Cologne electric networks and in the diesel networks NeiTech Thuringia, Network 18 Baden-Württemberg and North­east Bavaria express service.
  • We are further focusing on the procurement of new vehicles for awarded transport contracts. A total of 17 new vehicles were delivered in the first half of 2024. Thereof, 16 were deployed through a leasing model. Sixteen vehicles for the Franconia-South Thuringia regional transport network and for the Danube-Isar network are the main focus of the new vehicle deliveries. Furthermore, 24 new multiple-unit trains were ordered in the first half of 2024.
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