Green Transformation

Noise reduction

Further reducing the impacts of rail transport noise on local residents is an essential prerequisite for a shift in the mode of transport. We are therefore continuing to work with the Federal Government on implementing our noise reduction target: by 2050, we aim to have alleviated rail transport noise for all residents living near existing lines affected by rail transport noise. Achieving this requires the availability of adequate funds.

  • By the end of May 2024, we had put on-site noise remediation measures in place on a total of 2,269 km of track. Using about € 38 million, about 21 km of noise barriers were built and more than 1,000 apartments were fitted with passive soundproofing measures in the first half of 2024.
  • In order to gain new insights for on-site noise remediation measures, we are getting involved in various research projects and testing new technologies. For example, we have worked with the start-up Phononic Vibes to develop an innovative transparent noise barrier solution. These MetaWindows blend visually into the environment and have comparable sound-absorbing properties to conventional barriers.
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