Notes to the consolidated interim financial statement

Information regarding the fair value of financial instruments

The carrying amounts of the cash and cash equivalents (as of June 30, 2023: € 4,651 million; as of December 31, 2022: € 5,138 million; as of June 30, 2022: € 3,827 million), trade receivables and other financial assets (as of June 30, 2023: € 9,527 million; as of December 31, 2022: € 9,580 million; as of June 30, 2022: € 10,343 million) approximate the fair values as of the balance sheet date.

The carrying amounts of the trade liabilities, the other and miscellaneous financial liabilities (as of June 30, 2023: € 9,956 million; as of December 31, 2022: € 10,656 million; as of June 30, 2022: € 9,657 million), as well as the current financial debt, approximate the fair values as of the closing date.

As of June 30, 2023, € 2,039 million (as of December 31, 2022: € 1,830 million; as of June 30, 2022: € 1,235 million) of the overall receivables and other assets related to non-financial assets. As of June 30, 2023, € 2,619 million (as of December 31, 2022: € 2,679 million; as of June 30, 2022: € 2,508 million) of the overall other liabilities related to non-financial liabilities.

The fair value of non-current financial debt with a carrying amount of € 31,006 million as of June 30, 2023, was € 26,568 million (as of December 31, 2022: carrying amount € 31,186 million, fair value € 26,491 million; as of June 30, 2022: carrying amount € 31,674 million, fair value € 28,213 million).

The derivative financial instruments recognized at fair value are classified under valuation level 2 and to a lesser extent under valuation level 1. There were no reclassifications between the valuation levels in the first half of 2023.

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